Antivirus maker, Symantec, said that the viruses that was found in 13 applications from the Android Market attacked via the ad network in the program. These application have been downloaded by millions of Android users.
Symantec called the 13th applications as "Android Counterclank" and classified as a Trojan horse or malware. Symantec also found that the application is also indicated like "Android TonClank", which is also called Plankton. This type is found on the Symantec research at the University of North Carolina State in June 2011.
Android application that consists of Counterclank Android code has been downloaded 1 million to 5 million times. "This is a malware with the largest number of downloads. Generally, this malware will change the appearance of a browser, add a desktop shortcut, and delete bookmarks," said Kevin Haley, Director of Symantec Security to Computer World.
Symantec has reported 13th applications that contain Android Counterclank code to Google, but Google refused to withdraw it from the Android Market. According to Google, these applications do not violate the policy.
Symantec understood why the attacks are so easily entered the Android applications. Android applications are available with very cheap, even for free, so users do not have a lot of thinking to install any application available on Android Market. Users could not distinguish code that containing viruses, malware, spyware, or adware.
"We hope in future could inform the user about security status of the applications that are available in Android Market," said Haley.
Symantec is not the only one Antivirus company who rejected Google. Look Security, Symantec competititor, had previously been rejected by Google about the claims of the applications that are affected the virus.
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