March 9, 2012

New iPad vs Samsung Galaxy note 10.1

The presence of the new iPad is not without opponents. At the  2012 Mobile World Congress, Samsung has introduced Galaxy Note 10.1. Between them, which one is greatest?

New iPad

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 presented to accompany the previous version that only measures 5.7 inches. These PC tablet is also claimed by Samsung has a myriad of advantages if  compared to the New iPad.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

As quoted from the Huffingtonpost today, Samsung has just released a table that compares the New iPad with Galaxy Note 10.1.

On the table, Samsung mentions some drawbacks at the new iPad compared to their products, such as multitasking which not supported by these Apple gadget.

In addition, Galaxy Note 10.1 also has a lighter weight and slimmer body if aligned with the new iPad. But unfortunately, at this table Samsung unwilling to admit if the new iPad screens has higher resolutions. So, it seems comparisons are made for both products are still not balanced.

Here are comparison table was released by Samsung.

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