February 9, 2012

App World more profitable Than Android Market

Currently Research In Motion (RIM) is trying to attract developers, to ported their applications to the App World. RIM claims that the BlackBerry App World is more profitable than the Android Market.

It was announced on Tuesday by RIM, which states that the BlackBerry App World is profitable application store second after Apple's App Store. So, with the announcement,  RIM claims that their application store is more profitable than the Android Market.

At the developer conference in Amsterdam, the new CEO of RIM, Thorsten Heins along with Vice President of Developer Relations, Alec Saunders declared App World as the second most profitable mobile platform. The statement was issued based on the fact that RIM has more paid downloads than Android, which its software more for free.

Saunders said that 13 percent of all applications publisher on BlackBerry App World has reaped revenues U.S. $ 100,000 or even more from that amount. The profits come from 60,000 applications that available on App World.

In addition, RIM also saw the number of downloads per day in App World reach 6 million times, with a total of 2 billion downloads in last month.

Regarding the App World, RIM is currently being 'seduced' Android developers. Then for attract the interest of developers, RIM is offering free PlayBook if they ported the application to the App World.

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