March 28, 2012

Nokia Patented Magnetic Tattoo Technology

Nokia tries to make breakthrough with registering a patent for a tattoo. Yes, not a regular tattoo, this is a  magnetic tattoo which allows body to communicate with mobile phones.

U.S. patent agencies where Nokia registering this patent describes, this tattoo-based iron ore and will vibrate every time the phone receives a call or run out of battery.

Interestingly, still in explanation the U.S. patent agency, the user will be able to 'scratch' the skin where the tattoo placed if it doesn't want to receive phone calls. When scratched, the user will feel sensation like a numbness.

Unfortunately, this unique invention seems will be a little complicated to apply. Considering tattoo must be embedded under the skin, the user must be willing to do minor surgical procedures to be able to utilize this technology. This tattoo will be activated after a minor wound heal after surgery.

Reported by Fox News today (3/21/2012), smartphone users can adjust the intensity of vibrations specifically to distinguish whether these vibrations indicate incoming calls, text messages, email, and others.

However, if the user object to embed a tattoo on the skin, this Nokia patent also allows the other options, such as magnetic spray which is sprayed onto the skin, stamp tattoo, or a bracelet.

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