February 17, 2012

CMAS, Alert Notification Messaging

Natural disasters that occurred several times in many parts of the world often took the lives are not a few in number. This happens because many people are unaware of the approaching danger. This alarming situation eventually followed up by the government of the United States. U.S. Federal Communications Commission to make a dangers notification system that will be sent to the public via Messaging which called CMAS Alert.

The FCC has prepared the technical infrastructure related to the readiness of these systems but the cooperation of the cellular service provider is very important in enacting this service. According to the FCC, a service called Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) will be designed to reach Americans even though they do not have access to TV or radio. More than 250 million Americans have mobile phones.

There are three types of CMAS Alert will be sent to mobile users, which is: the threat of an imminent danger such as natural disasters, missing children information, and the announcement of the dangers from the President. Currently this service is only available in the form of Messaging only, although it is possible to add audio visual. All mobile users will be able to accept this CMAS Alert as long as their cellphone supports the type of services available.

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