March 17, 2012

Google Play Updated, Improve Review and Tabulation

Google Play Store which is a transformation from Android Market, again get the reform and repair. Besides preparing to developing media distribution, Google Play Store also fixes the order of Android app which provided.

Google Play Store build 3.5.15 which is the latest version brings two new feature sets. When looking at the My Apps page, visitors will find a tabulation view like in other parts of the available market. If it is shifted to the left and right, visitors can switch between applications that have been updated, has been installed, or display all applications. On this tabulation will be displayed paid applications and free applications which already installed, including applications that have been tested. This feature will be helpful for those who like to trying an application or widget because will be display all applications that have been installed or tested before, and how it goes now.

Google Play Store also improve the way to sort the application review. Visitors can be sorted, starting from the most helpful and most recently. Visitors can also do filtering, so it displays the latest review or derived from the same phone / tablet. This feature will help to compare how an application when installed on various Android devices.

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